Who doesnt like to play and compete? It was with this in mind that Play2sell developed PAPO DE BALCAÃO, ELANCO™s exclusive platform to accelerate product training in stores and petshops. Through missions in the game and in the real world, it is possible to engage in healthy competition, where everyone wins.Improve your knowledge of ELANCO™ products, improve your service and track your results.Here are the main features of the platform:MISSIONS in the Quiz Solo or Duel game;MISSIONS in the real world used in the activities carried out, as well as achievements;REAL TIME EVENTS are synchronous quizzes, where everyone on the same team competes against each other in real time;PRIZE PANEL - PlayClub is a great tool for encouraging and developing users;PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT where the player follows their evolution in the game and in the real world;DASHBOARD for managing game usage indicators;RANKING where the player tracks his performance;CHECK LIST so that, for example, the manager evaluates his subordinates;POP UPS with important information about achievements and next steps.